
Here you may find interesting publications, posters and other information concerning magnetism and measuring techniques.


external pageMagnetic properties of silica coated spindle-type hematite particles (2011) M. Reufer, H. Dietschi, U. Gasser, B. Grobety, A. M. Hirt, V. K. Malik and P. Schrtenberger

external pageMagnetic fabrics of the Morcles Nappe complex (2009) Bjarne S.G. Almqvist, Ann M. Hirt, Volkmar Schmidt and Dorothee Dietrich

external pageMagnetic remanence, anisotropy (2007) Hirt, A.M.

external pageMagnetic iron compounds in the human brain: a comparison of tumour and hippocampal tissue (2006) Franziska Brem, Ann M Hirt, Michael Winklhofer, Karl Frei, Yasuhiro Yonekawa, Heinz-Gregor Wieser, and Jon Dobson


Table of conversion

Often SI-units coexist with the previously used cgs-units. This conversion table shows the interrelations.

Enlarged view: Table of conversion
Table of conversion
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